Why Is Megie Scramble Wrong
Meggie Scramble was killed on Fry-day because she was beaten to death by her egg-husband Bob. They were still living together, even though they were divorced. The day before Meggie was killed, bob went home from work. He was egghausted and stressed out. Bob was upset because his boss Pete gave him a warming. Also, he was concerned about the bills he had to pay on next fry-day. At home, Meggie told him that their children were getting bad grades at school as he was eggspecting eggcelent grades. But he was wrong. Suddenly he started to beat up his kids, but Meggie tried to stop the violence. But instead of things calming down, Bob got eggresive and started beating the children and the wife at the same time. Meggie was terrifried that Bob beat
her up using omelet pan. He smacked her over and over again until he could hear her chest heaved rapidly with slow breathing.