Running a campaign, in this case for a presidential election, takes copious amounts of effort, time, and especially money. Because of this, candidates must rely on someone or something to provide financial backing to give them the boost that they need to win. Political action committees are the funding machines that are made up of corporations, interest groups, and unions. These PACs register with the Federal Election Commission and play an extremely important role of helping to pay for the candidate’s campaign. Because of this, they play a vital role in ensuring that the candidate stays afloat and without financial burden throughout their …show more content…
party platform – A statement made by a political party as a guideline to what it aims to accomplish in the next four years and summarizes the party’s beliefs. direct mail – This is an innovative way of raising money on behalf of a political candidate or cause.
Federal Election Campaign Act – This was a law that was passed in 1974 that reformed campaigning finances. It also made the Federal Election Commission which gives public financing for presidential primaries as well as general elections, put a limit on campaign spending, attempted to put a limit on contributions and also required disclosure.
Federal Election Commission – This six-member bipartisan agency was created by the Federal Election Campaign Act and is in charge of administering the laws that deal with finance and it enforces compliance with their requirements.
Presidential Election Campaign Fund – This is the fund that holds money taken from the three dollar federal income tax check-off that is then distributed to the qualified candidates to use as subsidies for their presidential