Stealing is wrong because not only you’re going to get caught but you will also go to jail for about 12 months to 3 years that or there can also be some other consequences to it. If you want something you should just ask for it instead of stealing. There can be a time in life when you can actually get what you want and sometimes when you won’t be able to get what you want. But that doesn’t mean you need to take it without permission. You will lose some friends and if something
Stealing is wrong because not only you’re going to get caught but you will also go to jail for about 12 months to 3 years that or there can also be some other consequences to it. If you want something you should just ask for it instead of stealing. There can be a time in life when you can actually get what you want and sometimes when you won’t be able to get what you want. But that doesn’t mean you need to take it without permission. You will lose some friends and if something