
Why Is The Wife Of Bath Timeless

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Why Is The Wife Of Bath Timeless
Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The General Prologue” is a favorite among everyone. It is a classic tale that provides a snap chat into the lives and ways of society at that time. It is about the 29 pilgrims who all meet and go on the same pilgrimage to see Thomas a Becket’s grave. The pilgrims decided to pass the time by telling stories. The narrator also provides portraits of all the pilgrims. The reason that the story is so popular is because it is a story that most all people can relate to and that is what makes it timeless and placeless. The first pilgrim that I choose to explain the validity of the statement is the Wife of Bath. The Wife of Bath is technically a seamstress, but some say she is a professional wife because she has been married five times. She is not the normal wife; she openly expresses her joy of sex and she is so outspoken she likes to argue. The Wife of Bath represents feminism and that is why she is an example of why The Canterbury Tales are timeless. Women at her time had very few rights, and they were usually demure types that would easily obey their husbands. She was not like most women and that is why she stands out. She showed that women can take control of their own lives and …show more content…
The Squire is the son of the Knight who is training to become a Knight when he gets older. The Squire enjoys music and dancing. He represents youth in Medieval England. This portrait is timeless because the Squire is just like most young guys now. Young guys today enjoy having fun, but at the same time are doing whatever they can to have a bright future, like going to college for example, just like the Squire. It is a placeless tale because young men striving to be great is normal across most cultures. For example Jewish boys must learn to read Hebrew and go through an extensive process before they are deemed a man, just like a Squire must learn and practice under a Knight before they can become

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