On the other hand, you also don’t want to be a traveling tightwad who stiffs people on their service. Millions service …show more content…
Most likely, your first interaction was with someone to book your trip. If you booked your vacation on your own, that’s a huge bummer, because you can’t tip yourself. Rather, you just paid someone else while you did all the leg work. USE A SPECIALIST! After all, they do all the legwork, and most of the time, you don’t have to pay them a penny. Travel experts make their money from the hotels and airlines directly. Therefore, they don’t always charge a service fee. So, with that being said, no one expects a tip. The best tip you could give your travel expert is a “thank you”. Whether you find that better served through a review, referral, returning as their client, or even a card!! I’m sure most will appreciate the review, referral, or you as a returning client, a tad more though. A basic guideline to follow is: If you’ve purchased their service, and it’s one that traditionally doesn’t have a tip associated with it, then don’t tip! But, if you know they don’t make a livable wage, and you want to subsidize their substandard wages, by all means, tip …show more content…
The guidelines vary by destination. Some of the basic services you will encounter while traveling abroad, include: waitstaff, bellboys, tour guides, concierge, taxi/van drivers, restroom attendants, bartenders, childcare staff/day camp counselor, hairdresser/masseuse/manicurist, a porter, and many more. With services like these, you might want to have some extra euros, pesos, or dollars to pass out. It’s important to not feel overwhelmed with the list, as I am simply listing some that you might encounter while on YOUR trip. However, rest-assured, there are some destinations that are all-inclusive, and your tips are all included in your total vacation cost. It’s important to still consider the extra “thank you”, as it is always welcome. Also, to consider the fact that wages vary from country-to-country, so getting a bit of a boost never hurt