Waterboarding causes the sensation of drowning without physically holding a person’s head under water. Water is poured over a cloth or rag covering the face and breathing passages of an immobilized captive. This is torture. The captive individual is questioned and interrogated in between the water being poured. Not only is this method tortuous, but it is also unethical. …show more content…
The U.S military may be instructed to use this method during an interrogation, such as during President George W Bush’s presidency; however, it is extremely unethical and violates human beings basic rights.
Ethics are the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or conducting of an activity. Murder is an unethical action and therefore a person whom preforms or involves themselves in the process of waterboarding, associates themselves with negative or unethical values. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Right to Life, Liberty, and Personal Security” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) are three of the top rights for people. Waterboarding violates every single one of those rights as a human being. Although waterboarding may not kill the victim immediately, but over time more often than not, the victim will experience medical complications eventually leading to
Waterboarding is ultimately murder. Not only can it cause a person to go into sudden death, it causes many after effects that will lead to a slow and painful death. It causes extreme pain, dry drowning, damage to the lungs and brain, oxygen deprivation, and other physical injuries due to the restraints used to hold the victim down. It may also cause aspiration of vomitus, which is an inhalation of regurgitated gastric content into the pulmonary system, essentially burning the inside of the lungs with stomach acid. This is causing intentional and torturous harm to the victim to the point of death. These are only a few reasons why waterboarding should be banned and never used again. This form of interrogation causes more harm than it helps. Violating basic human rights and showing unethical values is not how a country should get information from anyone.
Work Cited
"Donald Trump says torture 'absolutely works' -- but does it?" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.
"Universal Declaration of Human Rights." United Nations. United Nations, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.