There is no simple answer to why a young person might begin using alcohol or other drugs. Many times, it is a combination of several factors, including society, family and peers. They may turn to drugs to escape stress or loneliness or to overcome shyness in social situations. They may want to be seen as grown up or as a risk taker. Or, they may simply be curious. Teens often want to be like their role models as well. So, if their favorite music group, older sibling, parents or a "cool" peer at school uses drugs or alcohol, they may also use drugs or alcohol to emulate their role model(s).
Adolescence is often a time of low self-esteem, which can develop as a result of not being able to grow and change as quickly as is desired. Or conversely, physical development can occur much earlier than emotional development. A young person with low self-esteem may feel they are not as smart, attractive, talented or popular as their peers. They may also feel pressured by parents, teachers or others to achieve goals that seem unattainable. To help deal with the pressure, a young person with low self-esteem may be more likely to put aside his/her good judgment and turn to drugs or alcohol to escape.
Start early: Statistics show that by age 13, many young people are already experimenting with drugs. Children may be curious or fearful about drug-related images and messages they see in the community and media. Even when children are as young as 5 or 6, you can talk to them about things that are "safe" or "dangerous." Don't wait until a problem arises to discuss their questions. By talking to children about drugs when they are young, good communication habits are being developed; and the chance that they will discuss concerns later are improved.
Give them the facts: Talk to teens about the dangerous consequences of drug use. Respect their need to know the facts and answer their questions honestly. Help them sort through all the confusing messages they