
Why Liberals Hate America

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In his essay “Why Do Liberals Hate America”, Moore focuses on the perception American’s have about Democrats and their beliefs. He argues that modern liberals are misguided, but not evil. He states that liberals have different beliefs about religion than Republicans do. He compares how Republicans love America more than liberals. Moore’s statements make it very clear he is very one sided. Moore’s view on the beliefs of the liberals shows he is obviously a Republican. Moore as a Republican argues that Liberals or like he calls them “the modern left” shouldn’t be allowed to do what they want which is their right. Republicans focus on what they think is right, but don’t care about what needs to be done. He assumes that liberals are just misguided …show more content…

Moore assumes that the Democrats don’t mind ceding power to the state. He goes on to say that liberals gave “momentum to the uprising division in our country.” Moore implies that liberals are to blame for the division in our country. Moore focuses on the president’s praise for other countries, health care and schooling system. He says the president should be focused on the bad that country has done to their people instead of on their education and health care. The people who are supporting Donald trump are the ones who wish to make America the focus of our problems. Moore argues that liberals hate America because it’s the thing to do since liberals think it’s not “cool to love America.” Moore adds that you don’t see as many liberals waving a lot of flags as Republicans do at their rallies therefore; they don’t love America as much. Moore states that immigrants wave their flags to be offensive on purpose and states that he is for immigration which he obviously isn’t. He simply makes that assumption because they choose to represent their nationality. Liberals feel that everyone should have the right to make choices and decisions that are good for them. They care about America as much as Republicans they just show it differently. They want to get the job rate back to how it used to be. They also want to make sure the teachers as well as the students are taken care of. Moore states that Liberals don’t understand that economic freedom is the core of human

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