KPR Hari
2nd year MA Sociology
University of Madras
Marriage and family are two universal social institutions which have been in existence since time immemorial. These are two social institutions with biological foundations which are complimentary to each other. These two institutions have been permanent elements in our social system and have withstood the ravages of time, and the shock of centuries.
There is no definition which adequately covers all types of marriage, however the institution of marriage has been established by human society to control and regulate the sex life of human beings. Simplistically marriage can be defined as a socially approved mating relationship.
Marriage is a corner stone of society and a very necessary part of Indian social system. Dr S Radhakrishnan in his book “Religion and society” observes “Marriage is not a mere convention but an implicit condition of human society. It is an adjustment between the biological purposes of nature and the sociological purposes of man”, He further says ”it is an institution, a device for the expression and development of love.”Its purpose is not only the generation and nurturing of children but also “the enrichment of the personality of the husband and wife, through the fulfillment of their need for a permanent comradeship, in which each may supplement the life of the other, and both may achieve completeness.
Marriage is the very foundation of civil society. It has been regarded by all religions as the basis of civil society , sound moral system and domestic affection. Family is the most significant unit of the society and marriage is the foundation of it. In short we may say that marriage is a union of two people of the opposite sexes to a lifelong reciprocal passion of their sexual qualities, which aims at the individuals, biological, emotional, social and spiritual fulfillment and development, which cannot be achieved in
References: 2. John Gottman,The Seven Principles for making Marriage Work, Crown Publishers Imprint,1999 3. Nijole V Benokraitis, Marriage and Families-Changes, Choices and Constraints, Fourth edition, Pearson Education Inc, New Jersey, 2002 4. Shankar Rao, Introduction to Sociology, S Chand & Co, New Delhi, 2010 5. Kapadia KM, Marriage and Family in India