Is photosynthesis important for green plant, animal, Earth and human? I believe that photosynthesis is major on make fresh air and make the plants own food.
I believe that photosynthesis is important for life because the fresh air from the chlorophyll is doing photosynthesis. Plants also make food and oxygen. Then plants is doing photosynthesis, it must have sunlight to make their own food and oxygen. The equation about photosynthesis basically is CO2 + H2O C6H12O6 + O2 ( means need the chlorophyll and sunlight). Photosynthesis can make their own food and also oxygen for Earth as well, so photosynthesis is absolutely important for life.
Inside the plant, it has a power house called mitochondrion. It use the helpful chemical to make the energy which probably is glucose and some protein. When the plants do photosynthesis, it must need the water from food, energy from mitochondrion and the sunlight from the sun to make oxygen and glucose. Mitochondrion occurs in al living cells, all of the time.
At night, plants is not doing photosynthesis, but they are doing respiration. Respiration such as animal does breathing and gets some energy; also take off the carbon dioxide. When the plants do respiration at night, they absorb oxygen. The equation about the plants do respiration, it basically is C6H12O6 + O2 CO2+ HO2. IT IS OPPOSITE THE photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is actually important for life. If green plant does not doing photosynthesis at all, probably we will not have oxygen to breathing and food for live. Also possibility food and oxygen will decrease every moment, so photosynthesis is exactly important for