To show that you respect to people you should be considerate to the feelings, circumstances, and feelings of colleagues and members of society, this should be regardless of race, religion, background, circumstances, status or appearance. Treat every person the way that you would want them to treat you. Observe each individual that you encounter, and analyse what needs they may have and then try to meet those needs. Ask them if they are…
From past experiences I have learned the real meaning of respect. This word is more powerful than one can imagine. With respect comes unselfishness. When people respect others, they are treated equally. My mother and father always told me to be tactful in the way I treated others, so I would also be respected. It has worked in the past and will always hold true in the future. If someone respects another with proper judgment, people feel good inside which gives them a sense of integrity. When I give respect and witness how it makes others feel, I feel like more of a person. I feel proud. Honored.…
I am always respectful to the children and all the adults in my setting this will show the children that they need to do the same. To be respectful I need to speak appropriately to the teachers by never calling them by their first names in front of the children, accepting criticism that’s given to make and using this as a learning situation also using manners is respectful if I show the children that I use manners it will encourage them to use them.…
secondly, on a social level if people showed common courtesy to one another the world would be a lot better place to live in, Addition showing respect in gentral is important because no one likes to be disrespected. if someone is talking then you rudly interrupt them with out saying excuess me, this person maybe feel disrespected then they might get hostile then it may end up turning into an alterention.even more so most fights are started when someone feel`s like they are not be treated with the same respect. futhermore respect plays a big role in life because if you dont respect the laws that are inforsted you may end up in jail,however its better to treat everyone with respect because if you dont it may end in a bad result.…
A way to be respectful is not to complain about anything that you are told or asked to do. You could also be respectful by not bothering anyone’s belongings or personal space, or not breaking rules clearly given with a good purpose. Two ways we are not being respectful are complaining when we are given a task, and messing with other’s belongings, like their . One goal I have to be a more respectful person is to not complain about some things,…
Showing respect- It is very important to be respectful and to listen to the points of view of others. In schools you will experience working with adults and pupils who may be from different cultures and have different values…
In my classroom, I would go over the rules with my students at the beginning of the year. These rules would clarify that I will not allow disrespect, teasing, or harassing in my classroom. I will stick to these rules and I will follow through with the punishments that may be assigned if a student crosses the line. By showing my students that I am serious about these rules, they will learn to get along with the other students before treating them unfairly in my classroom. I believe by setting a good example is the best way to enforce this attitude of respect for others.…
Respect involves valuing the people you care for, acknowledging their value. This will express itself in certain behaviours for example extending common courtesies, expressing concern for others and their well-being, taking their feelings and experiences seriously.…
Ways to show classmates respect during a class discussion would be first to respect the person who is talking by letting them continue on to getting their point across. Second always show manners even if its just please and thank you. Third would be if a person doesn’t have nothing nice to say please do not say nothing at all.…
Another way to be respectful is to have a positive outlook on everything you will deal with in your life or anybody that trust you enough to let you know what they are dealing with. Even if you know it is something that is a really horrible thing to have happen to you or to somebody that you know, but you shouldn’t give a disrespectful…
Have you ever met someone who was rude to you and didn't hold you with much regard? How did you feel? Did you feel angry? What do you think respect is? How is respect earned? Respect is an important way of being kind and good to other people. We live in a society that respect is earned not given. With respect there is also an opposite side of disrespect. The definition of respect is to consider worthy of high regard. There are different forms of respect, the word respect is defined as the condition of being esteemed or honored. Disrespect, on the other hand, is defined as a lack of respect. Respect has great importance in everyday life; everyone wants to be respected. Even those who do not give respect expect to be respected by others. We may also learn that how our lives go depends every bit as much on whether we respect ourselves. The value of self-respect may be something we can take for granted, or we may discover how very important it is when our self-respect is threatened, or we lose it and have to work to regain it, or we have to struggle to develop or maintain it in a hostile environment. Some people find that finally being able to respect them is what matters most It is acknowledged widely that there are many different kinds of respect.…
By first being responsive, that is to say if you are working together online, responding to questions or comments in a timely manner to maintain positive relationships. Another way to demonstrate respect would be through tentativeness, or being open to change. This means that when you are communicating your thoughts and ideas, you use open language, keeping in mind your classmates may not share the same point of view. Finally, by empathizing with your fellow classmates, you acknowledge and try to understand their viewpoint even though it may differ from your…
We should respect our teachers because if we don’t respect people that are more complex and more experienced than us it will reflect on us earlier down in our lives. Although sometimes our teachers may make a fool of us and humiliate us and sometimes embarrass us in the cruelest ways we should not retaliate in a bad way. If we know all the rules in the school we should report it to the principal or someone that is a part of the school and is able to tell the teacher that he/she is doing something very, very, very, very, very wrong. Instead we should always ask the teacher if you can please leave the room to go to my locker. I should have just waited until you called my…
The most important thing in my opinion for a student to do is bring respect to the class. Understanding the need to respect not only other but yourself helps students be more motivated to learn and show self controls. Students may not like each other s opinion on certain things but out of respect they would be willing to listen and learning to disagree agreeably . Be prepared is also a very important rule to set in place students at this age need to start learning how to be responsible this is a get why to hold students accountable . Students should know that there will be consequences for not having the right tool with them when they enter the classroom . Being prepared will help cut down on distraction from movement in the classroom like sharpening pencils or getting forgotten items. This simple rule works in every area also coming to class, with…
Many teens do not respect their teacher which might be because the teacher does not respect them; as the golden rule goes, “treat others the way you would treat yourself”; Ralph Waldo Emerson in “From Education” would probably agree with this quote because he strongly believes that, “the secret of [e]ducation lies in respecting the pupil,” (page 102). Shows that Emerson understood what children are thinking then did something to help them by simply respecting them. Another big issue with education is patience; some people do not have enough patience to guide children to what they are supposed to learn. Emerson also believes that patience is an important part in education, “to regard the young [children, they require] no doubt, rare patience: a patience that nothing but faith in medial forces of the soul can give,” Emerson was trying to say that someone has to really care in order to teach information to children (page 105).…