We seem to be endlessly drawn to the drama of the fateful voyage of the RMS Titanic as this largest and most luxurious ocean liner that the world of 1912 had seen to date represents a story of the changing world and culture of the early 1900’s.…
If RMS Titanic did not sink, it would still make history for being one of the largest cruise liners to sail the oceans.…
Lusitania- This was a British passenger ship that was carrying 124 Americans when it was sank by a German submarine. It made Americans feel they were personally attacked by Germany and inspired feelings for war in America.…
On April 15, 1912, 1500 people died on board the RMS Titanic. Families were lost at sea, struggling to survive in the dark, murky waters of the Trans-Atlantic Ocean. However, one question remains… Who or what is responsible for the sinking of the ‘unsinkable ship’? The Titanic set sail on April 10, 1912 carrying 2200 passengers and 1300 crew. She hit an iceberg on April 14, 1912 at 11:45 p.m. At first the captain thought that the ship had merely scraped the iceberg. The damage was much worse... The iceberg scraped the hull so bad the rivets used to hold the ship together popped out. The gash in the hull let water come into the ship at 10 tons per second! Of the 2200 passengers, she carried on board, only 700 survived. Some people say that Thomas Andrews (the head designer of the Titanic) was responsible for the tragedy due to faulty ship design. Others say that J. Bruce Ismay is responsible for encouraging faulty ship design. Ismay is to blame because he should have told Thomas Andrews to make the supposed ‘water tight’ bulkheads higher. Ismay also should have added more lifeboats to save everyone on board in case of disaster. Out of all the culprits, Ismay is the most responsible because he had the final say in how the ship was made.…
The 100 year anniversary drew more attention to the disaster again in 2012. If a replica of the Titanic is built, the new ship will also sink. The Titanic sank because of several factors. These included poor construction of the water-tight compartments, speeding at night when ice was known to be present, not having proper lookout equipment and carrying too much heavy cargo. Also, improper distress signals were used which cause the nearest ships to stay away and not come to help.The passengers were separated into three classes and were not allowed to socialize with each other, which led to the majority of third class passengers being locked in lower decks of the ship and they could not escape. There were not enough life-boats on the ship for all of the passengers and the crew. After the Titanic went down, the life-boats did not return in time and several people froze to death. The events of that fateful night were re-told in stories by the survivors. The disaster was felt worldwide. The Titanic was re-discovered almost 75 years after it sank using new technologies. Artifacts from the ship have been studied and a new replica ship is being made and Titanic will sail again.First Class passengers were served 11 courses at dinner time and with each course drank a new glass of wine. Third class passengers were more laid back and enjoyed gathering in the large meeting room and playing instruments and dancing all night. The ship carried a lot of cargo including vehicles, paintings, trunks of clothing, and furniture. The Titanic also, “carried 44,000 pieces of cutlery, 29,000 glasses and 57,600 plates and bowls.” It cost $4,350 dollars to buy the most expensive first class ticket aboard the ship. This is equivalent to $69,600 dollars in today's money. In its day the Titanic cost $7.5 million dollars to build and in today’s money…
The Titanic sinking is a topic that has been met with a lot of controversy over the years. There are many theories about what cause the sinking and how it could have been avoided. One factor though, that should be focused on more than any other is: Who is to blame for the sinking of The Titanic? The answer is a simple one. White Star Line is to blame for this legendary sinking.…
If the Titanic wasn’t created, the historical event of its sinking would be forgotten or would be only a faint memory of what happened that day. The most acknowledgement the event would receive is maybe, two or three pages in a history text-book. Everyone knows the story, that on April 15…
(Any and all relations to the 1997 movie Titanic are purely coincidental and did not happen. The following is a work of fiction that is not related to the film in any way.)…
The Titanic was famous for its size, its luxury, its famous passengers and for being ‘unsinkable’.…
Fredrick Fleet was the workman on guard on the Titanic on April 14. Fleet, had warned the personnel on the ship’s control deck to look out for icebergs that night, yet nobody was at the control panel that fateful night (McPherson 6). The Titanic was thought to be unsinkable when it was built in 1911. “More than 2,200 people were now aboard the Titanic including 1,300 passengers” (Senan 16). The location the Titanic deported from was Great Britain and it was headed to New York. After three long days of sailing on the North Atlantic, they stopped in Ireland. A few days later, the ship crashed into an iceberg that had made it’s way into North Atlantic from Greenland (Fahey 4). Many people went back to their rooms to get their valuables from down below (Lord 60). Most historians say that they don’t know the exact number of passengers that were on the Titanic because, there was no accurate list of them. The Titanic was a major disaster but could have been prevented if workers were at their stations.…
I think the titanic should be preserved because we could learn from our mistakes. We could test the many theories people have come up with about how it sank. We could build Greater larger ships than the titanic and from the data the people who tested the titanic we could make them better than ever. The people cold figure out if somebody was responsible for the sinking of the titanic. We could…
Do you think the Titanic should be brought out of the depths for millions to see? The elegant Titanic should not be preserved. The titanic holds millions of relics and artifacts. The titanic is a graveyard for the 1500 passengers that died. The Titanic may break in the process.…
A major shift in our innovative world occurred during the beginning of the 20th century. Inventions that rule our era today were first brought upon in the early 1900s. One of the most notorious of these inventions was the steamboat. During this time there was a big transition from sailboat to steamboat. A significant change as to how naval vessels were built and operated took place, which sometimes resulted in conducting problems leading to tragedies. One of the most famous steamboats to ever be built was the R.M.S Titanic. White Star Line’s Royal Mail Ship Titanic was the largest British luxury passenger liner to ever be built. At the time, Titanic was believed to be unsinkable because of the way she was constructed;…
In conclusion Titanic affected the future a lot. Titanic did not have the correct safety features. Many lives were lost due to small amounts of lifeboats. Other ships did not have their radios on affecting…
B. Reason to Listen: The sinking of the Titanic was one of the largest non-war related disasters in history, and it is important to be knowledgeable about the past.…