Sleep can affect your health in many ways. Sleep affects fat regulation, If you don't get enough sleep your body will store fat, yes store it! Unlike if you get a full night's sleep your body will be able to know what to do with the fat when you take it in and will be able burn it. Make sure you are eating the right kinds of fat though, coconut oil, olive oil, avocadoes, seeds, nuts...etc. Bad fats such as, Fried food, sugar, flour, margarine, and so on can store as fat even if you're getting a good night sleep. Also not sleeping can cause you to eat too much BAD food, and to much caffeine. Your body shouldn't rely on coffee or energy drinks to give you energy, your body should rely on sleep for energy, yes sleep! People that don't get enough sleep has a higher percentage of getting over-weight than people who get a good night sleep every night. Now wait am minute, I'm not saying that just because you start getting a good night sleep, you're magically going to wake up one morning with a six- pack and a fabulous butt. What I am saying though, is your body needs sleep to help fat regulation.
Can lack of sleep really put my life at risk? The answer is yes it can! Sleep Keeps are heart healthy. Sleep interacts with our blood vessels, so lack of sleep has been related with