There are reasons why I shouldn’t, You shouldn’t, Nobody shouldn’t do this, good ones, theses are the things that I should of thought about stealing before I did it.
First of God says it himself, do you think that he would actually want me or anybody to doing this. He says he forgives us for our sins, but do you want that guilt hanging over your shoulders, Nope.! Nobody does. The bible says, “Thou shall not steal,” but I didn’t of that at all.
Now how about jail time and it goes on my record, over do the limit and I might as well start working on my jail visits. Don’t get me wrong or take it the wrong way, I’m not saying go out and don’t get caught. No, the point is thinking and using my head before I do it again. I have to think about your future, how would it look if I were trying to get a job, I meet all of the expectations and just flat out qualified for the position I’m applying for, but shoplifting/theft shows up on my record. So all of a sudden “Bam” I’m no longer qualified. Look at what it will do to my future, I’m getting my second chance right here. I’m not going to get another one. Why play chance with my life, why would I keep taking chances, and fooling