
Why The Drinking Age Should Stay At 21

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Why The Drinking Age Should Stay At 21
Throughout, history the question that is always brought up is “what should the legal drinking age be”? Many people argue that it should stay as is, twenty one and older and others debate the legal drinking age should be lower than twenty one, for example, eighteen. I personally, think the legal drinking age should not be changed, and it should remain the same at age twenty one. For this argument there are many pros and cons to both sides. Although, I think keeping the drinking age at twenty one out weights the pros for lowering the drinking age to a lower age such as eighteen. With keeping the legal drinking age twenty one it will decrease possible negative effects on the American society a whole. Firstly, I believe the drinking age should remain at twenty one because by lowering it to under twenty one it would be damaging to the expansion and growth of the brain. With the consumption of alcohol it can hinder with the growth of a young adults brain’s frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is essential for important for motor functions, impulse movement, shaping, arrangement and regulation. Although the consumption of alcohol is not the only aspect that can affect the growth of the brain. …show more content…
The number of underage drinkers have decreased since the drinking age became twenty one. Studies have shown that when the drinking age is twenty one, Americans who are younger than twenty one drink less and continue to drink less as they age. Meaning in their early twenty’s their chances of continuing to drink starts to decrease. And those Americans who follow the drinking age law and do not drink until they are twenty one studies also show they have a tendency to drink less as an adult. With these people drinking less as they age is best for our society and will help improve the lives of the all

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