You get to earn the privileges gradually. You also get some rules like only being allowed to drive in daylight to give you more safety. Meaning you get more experience and the more experience you have the more privileges you earn. That way you get the safety and when you get safer you get a privilege. My final reason is that raising the driving age gives us more complications. Such as less experience, more burdens and less safety. I say this because if you wait till age 18 to drive you have no experience. You don't just get more safety, because waiting till 18 does not just automatically give you experience. It would be better to start to drive at 16 because you will get the experience and learn how to drive better. Making you become better
You get to earn the privileges gradually. You also get some rules like only being allowed to drive in daylight to give you more safety. Meaning you get more experience and the more experience you have the more privileges you earn. That way you get the safety and when you get safer you get a privilege. My final reason is that raising the driving age gives us more complications. Such as less experience, more burdens and less safety. I say this because if you wait till age 18 to drive you have no experience. You don't just get more safety, because waiting till 18 does not just automatically give you experience. It would be better to start to drive at 16 because you will get the experience and learn how to drive better. Making you become better