into the lives of ordinary Jews. One way to do this was to study the Torah in detail, to find all the meaning they could find there. Another way was to eat meals in a state of ritual purity, as the priests did in the Temple. Those are just two examples of Pharisaism. In essence, it was a movement to democratize holiness. It is the ancestor of most of the Judaism in the world today. Jesus took a different approach. He and many Jews at the time believed that God was about to change the whole world dramatically. So, while he mainly followed the same rules as the Pharisees, he attached less importance to them and more importance to opening yourself up to God.
into the lives of ordinary Jews. One way to do this was to study the Torah in detail, to find all the meaning they could find there. Another way was to eat meals in a state of ritual purity, as the priests did in the Temple. Those are just two examples of Pharisaism. In essence, it was a movement to democratize holiness. It is the ancestor of most of the Judaism in the world today. Jesus took a different approach. He and many Jews at the time believed that God was about to change the whole world dramatically. So, while he mainly followed the same rules as the Pharisees, he attached less importance to them and more importance to opening yourself up to God.