“If you were given the chance to have your old family back… your mother, your father, your brother… would you take it? in exchange, you would have to give the two of us up. Be honest.”
Honestly, was there even a right answer to a question like this?
Sasuke mulls it over in his head as he wonders what the right choice is, the right answer, or even the right words at this moment. “Sakura…” he begins.
He sighs as he closes his eyes. “I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t jump at such an opportunity. But to give the two of you up… I don’t want that either. But if I had to choose, I would choose…”
Sakura looks up in surprise as she hears his answer. She thought she knew him well enough to know exactly …show more content…
Your thumbs represent your parents and you can pull your two thumbs apart to open them up because your parents are not destined to be with you forever,” he states as he shows Sakura by opening up his thumbs. He places his thumbs back together.
“Your index fingers represent siblings. They also can be pulled apart because your siblings won’t stay with you forever. They will carry on lives of their own. I’m sure Itachi would have had his own wife and children if he were still alive.”
Sasuke continues on as he watches Sakura experiment with her index fingers by pulling them apart and then placing them back together again. “Now,” he continues. “Your pinkies represent your children. Sadly, Sarada will not be destined to be with us forever. She will grow up one day and have a family of her own.” He demonstrates again with his pinky fingers.
He pauses as he lets this sink in. “And finally, the ring finger,” he notes as the glint of both his wedding band and Sakura’s wedding ring shines in the afternoon sunlight. “The ring fingers cannot be separated from each other no matter how hard you try. The reason our wedding rings go on this fourth finger is because the fourth finger represents our life partner. The one we are to spend the rest of our life