
Why Walmart Is Good Summary

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Why Walmart Is Good Summary
Expo Writing 102
Examining Sources of Disagreement
Steve Maich vs Liza Featherstone

In “Why Wal-Mart is good” Steve Maich makes a number of statements supporting Walmart and its expansion, while Liza Featherstone disagrees with “Down and Out in Discount America” and supports her own statements citing Walmart’s various evils. The authors primary disagree not only over the various values that are key to the Walmart debates, but also of important factual information. One reason Walmart is currently involved in this struggle is a result of their lack of values, which according to Liza Featherstone, exploit poor Americans by directly targeting them for marketing low priced items and establishing a monopoly on the market. Backing up
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Liza’s article is very critical of Wal-Mart’s treatment of its employees and community. She makes the point that Wal-Mart attempts to constantly get the employees that are most in touch with their customers and uses them to exploit their consumer base. Liza makes the argument that Wal-Mart has no sense of value for their workers, who are abused and taken advantage of in almost every way. These are people who work for extremely low wages and, she cites an instance where Wal-Mart employees were locked away after they had completed their hours, totally exploited. She also says that these lack of values are a result of Wal-Mart’s low prices, as what they lack in profit is made up by low labor costs and violations of workers rights. Wal-Mart goes as far as discriminating against its workers and paying them wages which force them to buy from their own store. But Maich disagrees with her arguments, under the line that the majority of Wal-Mart’s workers appear to be content dispite the low wages and questionable benefits; The amount of interest in the jobs available at Wal-Mart’s would appear to contradict Liza’s arguments that Wal-Mart abuses its workers. So why would people join a company that abuses them? More or less, Liza makes the argument that they are the only jobs available to these workers as sort of another Wal-Mart

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