Let’s take a ponder into the past history of America from the standpoint of a slave. Slaves came to America by boats with terrible conditions. These boats were crowded, struck with famine, and were just no proper living situation for any living being. The first slaves came to America in the 17th and 18th century. They were captured or tricked, and were sent to the American …show more content…
colony Jamestown .
Now, why would someone need a slave?
People in America first wanted slaves to help with crops like tobacco. Then, it started to become more of the slaves can help with anything. Whether it was watching the slave owner's kids, picking cotton, or even doing heavy lifting, etc. All these things made America a powerhouse in an economic standpoint, because with all this production came lots of money. Slaves practically built the economic foundation of America.
Even though slavery was generally common in America, a certain part of America is where it flourished most and that part was the south. When the invention of the cotton gin happened in 1793 that engraved the future of slave productivity in the south. This meant production of many items would be increased to a higher potential. When that happened slaves were in even higher demand than they were in the first place. With this happening there would be a jump in slaves to a total of over 4 million before all were freed with the union’s victory, but that happened later.
Slaves generally lived like animals, or even worst. They’d get separated from their kids when auctioned off to slave owners, they’d work all day, good looking women were raped, worked from morning until dark, had no way to have proper personal hygiene, and were subjected to many brutal treatments undeserving of human
So, now looking from that standpoint when you ponder back on history what will you do? Well, if it was me, I would heavily think about the other side of all successes, I’d be inquiring about why things are the way they are. African slaves ultimately had no choice to be a part of the timeline of American history, the bad side of it at that. Slavery is an injustice of a high degree, and should always recognized of a part of all America’s history.