The tribal knowledge as regards use of plant species for various purposes depends on the surrounding plants. With the rapidly advancing process of civilization and urbanization, there is an imminent damage of losing forever these valued treasures of information. Simultaneously, the knowledge about ethnic therapies should also be restored and maintained, as this provides enormous data regarding the medicinal properties of plants not known to the modern men (Jain SK, 1999; Maheshwari JK, 1983; Jain SK et al., …show more content…
In a few families, almost all the members are acquainted with some part or other herbal remedies. The traditional healers specialize in specific areas of their profession. Some medical practitioners are specialist in bone setting, poisonous bites, wound healing, neurological disorders, etc. whereas some others in spiritual healing, particularly the use of incantations while others combine both in their treatment (Jaggi OP, 1973). It is significant to note that there is no doubt about the efficacy of herbal medicine among its users. In India, the rural and urban poor people rely on herbal remedies, since these are within their reach. In fact, this is the only source of health care available in remote