Choosing what college to attend can be a daunting process at any time. Selecting a school as an adult student can be even more difficult. Beyond the normal considerations of cost, program types, traditional school or online, and location, there are additional factors to consider as an adult student. These may include work schedule conflicts, family life, distance to travel, and credit earned for life experience. The nineteen governors who founded Western Governors University took these things into consideration when developing the school and its programs. They developed a school that offers a truly exceptional level of quality in education at a price that is around half of that charged by other schools. So if low cost, convenience, and quality are important to a student, Western Governors University is one of the best choices in today’s educational market. One of the first considerations for any student, and especially for an adult student with many responsibilities, is that of finances. Is the school affordable? Will getting an education be worth the money spent, or will the student be left so far in debt when the education is complete that stress and worry over repayment of loans outweigh the benefits of the education received? By choosing Western Governors University, one can eliminate that stress. Because WGU is an online only school, many of the traditional expenses, such as buildings and maintenance, don’t play a role in determining the cost; this is one factor that helps keep tuition fees low. Another reason the tuition is so affordable at WGU is because Western Governors University is a not-for-profit school. The tuition charged is for the sole purpose of educating the students, and is not used to line investors’ pockets; therefore, the cost to attend WGU, ranging from $2,890 to $4,250 per term depending on the course of study, is far less than what is charged by other schools. ("Tuition and Financial Aid," 2010) Another way
References: About WGU: How we’re different. (2010). Online University | Online Degree | Accredited Bachelor 's and Master 's Degrees. Retrieved August 11, 2010, from Accreditation. (2010). Online University | Online Degree | Accredited Bachelor 's and Master 's Degrees. Retrieved August 14, 2010, from Tuition and financial aid. (2010). Online University | Online Degree | Accredited Bachelor 's and Master 's Degrees. Retrieved August 12, 2010, from