Garrison’s paper got himself in trouble for his militancy. He got sued for libel, and spent 44 days in jail. “Garrison supported the Civil War for he believed it an act of providence to destroy slavery” ( Garrison’s influence was restricted to New England. Garrison eventually became the symbol of abolitionism. “He was influential in relating it to issues of free speech, free press, and the rights of assembly and petition and to the powerful religious evangelism of the times. In his harsh and tactless way, he forced popular awareness of the gap between what the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution said and what the nation did, constantly challenging the country to put its ideals into practice”
Garrison’s paper got himself in trouble for his militancy. He got sued for libel, and spent 44 days in jail. “Garrison supported the Civil War for he believed it an act of providence to destroy slavery” ( Garrison’s influence was restricted to New England. Garrison eventually became the symbol of abolitionism. “He was influential in relating it to issues of free speech, free press, and the rights of assembly and petition and to the powerful religious evangelism of the times. In his harsh and tactless way, he forced popular awareness of the gap between what the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution said and what the nation did, constantly challenging the country to put its ideals into practice”