The business sphere is becoming more and more omnipresent and powerful. For this reason, managing to understand the mechanisms and enhancement of business is pretty hard to do. With this program, I will have the opportunities to enrich my knowledge, refine my skills and clarify my attitudes necessary for responsible action. It will also help me gain comprehensive knowledge of core concepts of international business that is essential to new ventures and existing organizations alike. Moreover, it is important for me to become familiar with the processes, routines, and practices of modern business.
Other than helping me to fine-tune my skills and knowledge, the program also benefit me to perform in the business school. As an international MBA student, I often look for opportunities to gain greater knowledge and appreciation for the American values, customs, political systems, and business practices. I feel that the skills I acquire through my academic subjects will enable me to harness the skill that will aid me in creating, adding and etching my impact on the corporate world.
In addition, being Malaysian and living in the United States has given me an interesting and well rounded outlook on the world. I am a blend of two opposing lifestyles and my thoughts, ideas, and actions reflect this blend. The thorough knowledge of the American and Asian cultural lifestyles would be of an advantage to me when I pursue a career in international business. The cultural intelligence is essential to succeed in this increasingly interdependent global economy.
My ultimate