Why I want to become an accountant?
Have you ever been in the accounting department? I have been in the accounts. Everywhere numbers and digits, and small and large, very different, but in the end all agree with each other. Accounting! Surprisingly interesting.
Accountant - responsible profession. It requires a mathematical mind, here it is all very logical, exactly. The main principle of accounting - rigid logic.
Some people believe that the accounting - highly technical profession, which can be used and understood only by professional accountants. In fact, almost every day using the account in one form or another. Book art of interpreting the accounting, assessment and compilation of the results of economic activity. Do you pay your phone bill, you write out a check, fill out a declaration on whether your income or managing an international corporation - you apply the concept of accounting and dealing with financial information.
Accounting is often called the language of business. Terms such as "active", "passive", "net income", "cash flow" and "earnings yield" - just a few examples of terms commonly used in the business world. Everyone should have a clear understanding of accounting, if he (or she) wants to work and communicate effectively in the business world.
Being an accountant since childhood I have dreamed. But I decided for themselves that over time can grow up to the CFO. And to determine the path through the accounts. That is accounting - an interim step, but you can not say that light. It is important and necessary step. It is often comparable to the accountant CFO.
Main features of accountant - a branch. In every industry - its components, so the work of an accountant in a business or organization depends on the specifics of the enterprise. This key difference between each seat.
But the hardest thing for me in the profession - development. Bookkeeper difficult to adapt to changes in the law, through you to pass new information and formalize it in a specific task for the accounting department, IT-department. It requires some knowledge and effort.
It is interesting to me was to learn about the historical past of my future profession.
The name of the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli is not familiar to everyone. However, students enrolled in the specialty "Accounting", this ignorance can be costly. The fact that it Pacioli at the end of the XV century proved the necessity of accounting in any area of financial and economic activity. Used in practice accounting principles allowed to use, for example, non-cash forms of payment. It was undeniable breakthrough in the evolution of market relations.
Consider the receipt and expenditure of material and financial resources documented in Russia began in the early 18th century. By decree of Peter I in the country appeared the book "ledgers" and actually "knigovody", ie verbatim (translated from German) accountants.
However, as kidding themselves accountants, accounting of property - a phenomenon no less ancient than the property itself, and writing and did not invented to explain in love or disclosure of someone's brilliant idea, but exclusively for the needs of accounting.
In fact, the accounting profession - one of the oldest and one of the most common. The first of its origins go back thousands of years.
In a primitive society where the economy was not difficult our home, everything that could be written, catchy and without recording the results of work were insignificant and therefore obvious. Initially, there was no digits. The score was changed nicks that made in the knots of trees, on the bones of animals on cave walls and even on the surface of the rock. Of particular interest were the data carrier rope on which to tie knots.
In the future, data carriers began to papyrus, clay fired table - "bricks", parchment, wax, wood, paper. In Greece and Rome used wax tablich¬ki, copper boards, leather, canvas, parchment, papyrus, in Galin, ceramic tiles and pottery shards, Peru-rope. Ancient Egypt may already be named a certain extent, if not the birthplace of accounting, then at least the birthplace of the inventory of the current financial accounting and control. Accounting for the ancient Greeks was fought mainly on tablets, whitewashed plaster. Sometimes I used papyrus, but it was very expensive. Records used for rough pottery shards. Greece became home to the first counting device - abacus - counting tool in the form of tablets or a style reminiscent of modern scores. Blackboard divided into strips or columns, which were shifted or moved counting mark designating certain currencies and units of measure and weight.