I truly believe that I am being led in this direction by the Lord. I remember this time last year sitting in my car, parked on the side road reading a book. My children were attending a tuition centre called Explore learning. Explore Learning, was, and I guess it still is, a really good after school tuition facility. It was exactly what I had been looking for with regards to tuition. It provides the children with computer based learning in Maths and English with reward systems. There is no extra homework for the children to complete. The grading system is similar to the system used in schools. It is a registered centre, so 70% of the fees are covered by ‘working tax credit’ depending on your circumstances. The more people that you recommend the more discounts you receive.
This started off well for me at first. I was paying £98 a month for one child. When my second child started I got 10 % discount so that meant it was £88 for him. I had recommended quite a few families; so my total monthly fee was around £150. Crazy! I know but it sounded really good at the time...until my youngest started and the prices went up, meaning I was paying over £250 a month for three children attending. Tiny was new and really enjoyed her sessions but the boys began getting bored (they’d been attending for over 2 years), although they were all doing really well.
I remember sitting in my car waiting for the 1 hour and 15 minutes to past. I was tired and hungry and thinking about whether cook or if I should just buy a take away. The children would only have an hour at home before bedtime. Suddenly the question of ‘why?’ came into my head.