“I wandered lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth is a lyric poem focusing on the poet's response to the beauty of nature. A lyric poem presents the deep feelings and emotions of the poet rather than telling a story or presenting a witty observation. This is also seen on the language of the poem as W. Wordsworth uses personifications when he starts by comparing himself to a lonely cloud. Another personification and metaphor is when W. W compares the daffodils to a crowd of people and further more dancing humans. He starts his poem with a simile
Alliteration: lonely as a cloud (line 1).
Simile: Comparison (using as) of the speaker's solitariness to that of a cloud (line 1).
Personification: Comparison of the cloud to a lonely human. (line 1)
Alliteration: high o'er vales and Hills (line 2).
Alliteration: When all at once (line 3). (Note that the w and o have the same consonant sound.)
Personification/Metaphor: Comparison of daffodils to a crowd of people (lines 3-4).
Alliteration: golden Daffodils (line 4).
Alliteration: Beside the Lake, beneath the trees,
Personification/Metaphor: Comparison of daffodils to dancing humans (lines 4, 6).
The speaker humanizes the daffodils when he says they are engaging in a