Willy Loman, Tragic Hero or Selfish Individual?
Willy Loman, Tragic Hero or Selfish Individual? Willy Loman, the protagonist in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman, is often referred to as a tragic hero who is forced to commit suicide to valiantly save his family from the “elusive” American Dream. The majority of critics give readers the impression that Willy was a selfless man that worked himself to death in order to support his family and ensure their success and happiness. He is portrayed as a hard worker with a life full of tribulations and challenges. However, his hard work never seemed to pay off and instead he found himself living the American nightmare. Unfortunately his true character and image is constantly being distorted and readers constantly fall into the trap of believing Willy Loman is a tragic hero, whom deserves nothing less than respect and sympathy. However, after complete understanding of the play one realizes that Willy Loman brought all his misfortunes upon himself due to his warped mindset about success, his dedication in acquiring the approval of others, and his tunnel vision that was only directed towards money and wealth. Critic Bert Cardullo summarizes this whole play by claiming, “What is left in this play is neither a critique of the business world nor an adult vision of something different and better. Rather, it’s the story of a man (granting he was sane) who failed as a salesman and father, and made things worse by refusing to admit those failures, which he knew to be true,” (Cardullo 9). Not only did Willy Loman refuse to admit his constant failings, he also abruptly ends his own life at the end of the play, which should not grant him the title and status of tragic hero, instead Willy should be considered a selfish and arrogant salesman who’s constant failings lead him to commit suicide in order to escape from his dead end life. Critics across the world agree on very few issues when it comes to analyzing literature. However, critics were able to come to a common consensus
Bibliography: Cardullo, Bert. "Death of a Salesman and Death of a Salesman: The Swollen Legacy of Arthur Miller." The Columbia Journal of American Studies. 9.3 (Fall 2009): 7-15. Web.
17 March 2011.
Corliss, Richard. "Death of a Salesman." Time. (Feb 2005): Web. 17 March 2011.
Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. The Norton Introduction to Literature. Eds. Alisa Booth et al. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006. 923-993. Print.
Thompson, Terry W. "Miller 's Death of a Salesman." Explicator 60.3 (Summer 2005):
244-247. Print.