School of Business – Tyre Campus
Home Work # 2
Winning the 3-Legged Race:
When Business and Technology Run Together
Book Overview
Course Details:
Course Title: Leadership & Organizational Change
Course Code: HRM610
Submitted to: Dr. Ali Harb
Submitted by: Zeina Saleh
Date: 26/11/2014
Winning the 3-Legged Race: When Business and Technology Run Together
Preface, Introduction and Chapter One - Overview
Winning the Three Legged Race was written to explicitly provide advice to all organizations to help them start managing their business and technology together, and in order for business and technology to be unified in the decision making process. This practice requires management executives to work and to coordinate with technology executives so they can move forward and for maintaining their statuses ahead of their competitors. In a nutshell, the entire organization & Leadership teams shall intensely be involved if a company expects to be successful.
The author, Hoque et al, wrote this book after his discovery through many visits to renowned organizations that companies were purposefully not applying their business principles in areas where technology was being applied. Technology was being blindly invested in companies with the hopes of gaining a beneficial outcome instead of actually recognizing that it is essential to business success; which requires understanding and management. And, for the fundamental reason that business technology is meaningless when businesses are ignorant of managing it, and understanding its objectives; thus, depriving the organization from creating a competitive advantage.
With that being pointed out, the author stated that business technology shall be subjected to a comprehensive set of management processes and standards thus, leading it to work as one unit. This is where the concept of management science of business technology management (BTM) was emerged. BTM provides a structured