
Winter Dreams Character Analysis

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Hailey Bell
Mrs. Lucente
English 11 AP
29 September 2015
“Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald Lit Circle Theme Thinker
Wealth can cause more problems than joy In the text Dexter dreams about all the happiness and how he can achieve this goal because of his wealth. Dexter associates money with wealth and while he is a caddy falls in love with this. He works so hard to be wealthy and with that Dexter’s ability to love another goes away.
“For the first time in years the tears were streaming down his face. But they were for himself now. He did not care about mouth and eyes and moving hands. He wanted to care, and he could not care. For he had gone away and he could never go back any more. The gates were closed, the sun was gone down, and
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Dexter only channeling to Judy Jones and only focus on his romanticism with Judy provides Dexter to see her as almost the perfect person for him. Dexter never truly sees all of Judy, but rather sees what he wants. When Judy was upset while with Dexter because she was chasing after a man that was not wealthy Dexter basically tuned out this newfound and important information about Judy. He does not accept the true view of Judy because it shows who Judy really is as a person. Dexter knows all about Judy and how she is able to charm multiple men at the same time. Throughout the text he contemplates with reality and what he finds to be perfect. Dexter tries to erase Judy, but never does it successfully because she returns later in the text. His dream does not become a reality because he was too emotionally attached and could not see a person who seems to be perfect, imperfectly.

“It did not take hime many hours to decide that he had wanted Judy Jones ever since he was a proud, desirous little boy.”
“As so frequently would be the case in the future, Dexter was unconsciously dictated by his winter dreams”
“Succeeding Dexter’s first exhilaration cam restlessness and dissatisfaction. The helpless ecstasy of loosing himself in her was opiate rather than tonic.”
This theme contributes to the meaning of the text because it allows the reader to see the inner workings of Dexter’s mind and lets the reader know the reason

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