What is Power? For me, Power is having knowledge. We all know the famous line, “Knowledge is Power”. When we are educated we have knowledge. When we have knowledge, we have power. In dictionaries, they define the word “Power” as the ability to do or act with vigor and strength. Well, we sometimes associate the word power with superheroes, mythical creatures, and in real life, most especially, government officials.
Today, I will talk about my ideas about what the word “Power” is all about. Why do we sometimes use our power in a wrong way? Like for example, government officials. They do have the power. The power to rule, the power to support programs for the needy, the power to protect the rights of the people. But, do they have the responsibility on doing all these things? No, they don’t. Last February 6, 2012, we have experienced a very strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9 and an intensity of 7. People in the northern part of Negros were affected the most. Well, as what I have heard from the news, not to mention the name of who is responsible, when the earthquake happened, a town in Negros was greatly damaged. The news says that this particular town was not helped by the government right away because their mayor didn’t report immediately about what happened to them. Isn’t it the mayor’s job to report to the highest position in the government of the Republic of the Philippines? It should be the mayor’s responsibility. Look what happened. People were starving. They need food, water and shelter.
During the earthquake, I was able to think that nature really is powerful. God created us with the power of knowledge. God gave us the responsibility on taking care of all His creations. But what have we done? We abused our power. Because of the earthquake, many families lost their home and loved ones. The provinces of Negros were greatly affected, roads and bridges were damaged. Another example of the destructive