MAT222: Intermediate Algebra
Instructor Peter Surgent
August 31, 2014
Real World Radical Formulas
Radical formulas are used in many fields of the real world; some examples are in finance, medicine, engineering, and physics. These are just a few. In the finance department they use it to find the interest, depreciation and compound interests. In medicine it can be used to calculate the Body Surface of an adult (BSA), in engineering it can be used to measure voltage. These formulas are vital and important to the people working in these fields of work. Our week 3 assignment requires that we find the capsizing screening value for the Tartan 4100, solve the formula for variable of d, and find the displacement in which the Tartan 4100 is safe for ocean sailing. The problem is broken down into three parts.
The problem and work will be on the left hand side and a description will be to the right of the work describing my steps taken to solve the problems. The assignment requires solving problem 103 on page 605of our reading material. With the information I will solve three different parts and using the information given I will use radical formulas to show the solutions. The first part of the first problem requires us to “Find the capsize screening value for the Tartan 4100, which has a displacement of 23,245 pound sand a beam of 13.5” (Dugopolski,2012) and determine if it is safe for sailing. The values for the variable of d= 23245 and b= 13.5, I will be using these amounts in my equation. Part a wants us to find the capsize value for the Tartan 4100
(A) This is our formula; from here I substitute my variables with my amounts for d and b. My new formula is I raise 23245 to the negative 1/3 power and solve Round to the nearest thousands and use distributive property to multiply and get my answer for C. Answer for C is 1.89.
The capsize screening value for the Tartan 4100 is
References: Dugopolski, M. (2012). Elementary and intermediate algebra (4th ed.). New York, NY:McGraw-Hill Publishing