Wolf Behavior and Rankings: Usually, the leaders of the pack, also known as the alpha wolves; decide when the pack will move to a different destination, or when they …show more content…
They are very elastic and can twist and turn to adapt to their environment. They can set up a habitat for themselves virtually almost anywhere. Some of these places might include swamps, forests, deserts, mountains, or tundra. Wolves are very protective of their territory and will constantly be traveling here and there. Wolves spend roughly 35% of their day traveling and usually travel 25 to 35 miles a day. On rare and scarce occasions, they can travel up to 100 miles in one day. Wolves also make things called dens for their young. Ideally, they are made near water banks and are used to house young pups that are not yet ready to travel along with the rest of the …show more content…
An average wolf pup litter consists of about 3 to 6. Once these pups develop into maturity, they will often leave their pack to find another or to search for more territory. However, very few pups live more than about 4 to 6 years in the wild. Most of their deaths consist of malnutrition predation, or disease. However, if placed in a good enough environments with everything needed to live, wolves are known to be able to survive up to 15 years of age. But this is only if there is enough food and proper housing available for long periods of time.
Different Kinds of Wolves: In general, there are two species of wolves. There are red wolves and there are gray wolves. There is no major difference between them. Basically, the red wolf has a redder tint to its fur and is smaller than a gray wolf. There are about 5 subspecies of wolves. They include the Canis lupus baileyi, Canis lupus nubilus, Canis lupus occidentalis, Canis lupus lycaon, and the Canis lupus arctos. Gray wolves are particularly in danger. If they are given proper protection, they should rebound with no problem. Washington Sate is currently creating programs to save aid these animals.
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