Yatra naryastu poojyante ramante tatra devataha : Where women are worshipped there the Gods reside.
Dr. Uma Shankar
Head, Dept of Philosophy
S.I.E.S. College of Arts, Sc. & Com.
Abstract : Yartra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra devataha Where women are worshiped there the Gods reside
This verse is taken from our ancient scriptures. The ultimate reality is one and the world of beings is its manifestations. The Upanishads declare that –Ekam sat viprah bahuda vadanthi’ means—there is but only one reality in this world ; described in many ways. Man and woman are the two manifestations of one supreme power. They appear different in form and function but the fact remains they are equal in strength, power and disposition. Yet they are different and unique!!! It is in man, that woman finds her end or fulfillment and vise versa. This unique relationship is described in Indian philosophy as Shiva & Sakti and Purusa & Prakrti. Pursa is the conscious principle, the force or the energy while Prakrti is matter, gross, but active. It is in their union the very evolution has taken place!!
Philosophically the doctrine of evolution has great significance in inter relating matter, life, mind and spirit. In
Indian mythology Siva and Sakti are represented as two sides of the same divinity. Hence there is beautiful depiction of this union as
ARDHANAREESWARA. —half man and half woman !!! It is a union of both.
* Our essential being is inward, spiritual and it derives strength from within and not from without. Yet some men are gifted with several qualities and so are women. The qualities, which beings possess, make them noble. India in every generation has produced millions of women who have never found fame, but whose daily existence has helped to civilize the race and whose warmth of heart, self sacrificing zeal, unassuming loyalty and strength in suffering have inspired many till date It is