Deborah Izad
For a while now media has had a huge impact on how women are seen. Media is constantly degrading women and sets a negative message about the ways in which women should be treated; women are becoming objectified in the sense they are viewed as objects and not of value as a human. The media, which seems to endlessly show women as sexual objects, has the capability of limiting a woman’s potential and damaging their image. Media has this sort of power that isn't notified in some ways but has been picked up on due to huge public responses. More often than not the media depicts the way people go about their daily life. People look at the media to determine how they should dress, act and in some cases even how they should perform sexually. It is astonishing that in so many ways we depend on something that controls us in such negative ways.
Since the beginning of media history, the media has been limiting woman in many ways. Some of these ways are how woman today view there own body image, what stereotypes the media puts on women, and how these things affect women’s health. The media has been altering the way everyone sees themselves in relation to others. They can also change the way we dress, look, and even the way we act. The media is the largest source of stereotypical misinformation on earth, and this provokes others to stereotype as well. However, the media is a great source of role models to all members of society. A great number of media role models provides our society with negative habits. All types of media are great for news and entertainment, but it also brings many disruptive habits to our society, making media a double-blind. Body image is the way one sees their own body, perhaps not in the mirror but in their own mind. Messages from the media are constantly trying to alter the way we see our own bodies to be, and what we accept that our body needs to look like; the altered