In another article, it states that “Women and girls accounted for 40% of those employed in the button making trades in 1841, and 12% of those in other metal trades. Manufacturers were more specialized in trades related to the cutlery manufacture, and there were fewer women employed as such in these trades.” The metalworking sector women took up almost half of the positions available, but not when it came to the cutlery division. In the first article, it states, “Women compromized 24% of all lawyers, and nearly 50% of all law students, yet ‘equality remains elusive for many women attorneys’. Female lawyers receive significantly less pay than their male counterparts and have a more difficult time achieving partner status, especially if such women are mothers.” Women take up a large amount of lawyers and law students, but continued to earn less than men that were doing the same job as them. Because of their gender, women also had a difficult time trying to build up a good reputation as a lawyer, especially if she was a mother. President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay …show more content…
Men were very involved in politics, but it was very rare and looked down upon for a woman to be involved in politics. Men considered the woman's place to be in the home, not in political territory. According to Peiss, “As many feminist scholars observe this concept of the public is built upon a set of exclusions, both real and symbolic, that sharply limited women’s participation in political life.” Women were discouraged to participate in politics because most people in society during that time thought it was wrong or immoral for a woman to step out of her place in the home. Men weren’t very tolerant of women trying to enter the political world, which caused women to steer in a bit of a different direction. In the article by Peiss, it says “Women were barred from the saloons, fraternal halls, and political clubs that constituted the cultural setting of formal politics … women effectively established an alternative political culture rooted in women's clubs, voluntary associations, and informal networks.” Since women were excluded from normal politics, they decided to take matters into their own hands and start their own clubs and organizations for women that wanted to be apart of the world of politics. According to Peiss, “Despite women's exclusion from formal politics, Ryan argues that women were not simply relegated to a private realm but became participants in public life in a variety of ways.