
What Was The Status Of Women In The Early 1900's

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What Was The Status Of Women In The Early 1900's
Women’s suffrage was a difficult topic in the late 1800’s early 1900’s because women wanted to have a voice in their community while men thought that women were weak and should be silenced. Woman fought for their rights, impacting everyone globally and showing men that they had a strong opinion and wouldn’t be silenced even if the consequences meant getting arrested or being deported.
Many people were against women's suffrage because they believed that women should be the ones who should stay at home and raise the children while men should be the breadwinners of the family. These people thought that women were not able, “to take any large part in general, industrial and public affairs; that women are weaker than men; that women are adequately
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This opinion degraded woman by saying that they weren’t as smart or intelligent as men or capable of doing their jobs. Anti-Women Suffragists thought by engaging women, “in the very laudable work of packing caucuses, primaries and conventions-in lowering women to the depths of all that low politics imply.” (“Anti-Woman Suffrage: Don’t Fail to Read This,” Leaflet, 1893 Women's. Suffrage. Newspaper clippings, Western History Collection, The Denver Public Library, Denver, Colorado.) There were several reasons that anti-women suffragists believed women should not have equal rights: it was a violation to the of the constitution to allow suffrage to be forced on unwilling states as the Tenth Amendment stated that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the …show more content…
There were also ads posted in publications promoting women’s rights, “Because women are citizens of the government of the people, by the people and for the people, and women are people. -- they should vote equally with men” (Votes for women! The woman's reason. ... National American woman suffrage association). Women were trying to convince people that since women were as capable and intelligent as men and went through the same conflicts as them, and that they should be entitled to the same privileges and rights as well. Another way that women promoted their cause was to make others see what their issue through a question and answer ad in the simplest form: “We are driven to the necessity therefore of putting theses facts in such form that the veriest child can understand them and even a Suffragist may not escape them” (The Truth About Wage-earning Women). However there were many challenges that women had to face before they were allowed to have a greater say in politics and economic opportunities. For one thing, women didn’t trust men because they were frequently drunk, so when women began to have a voice they fought for Prohibition to make it harder for men to access alcohol. Upon succeeding, women were allowed more legal opportunities such as the right to own

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