Whether that be in ballet, or an out loud group vote. A vote was one of the biggest situations in which women suffered to gain. When women tried to vote, they were challenged and made to seem like they knew nothing about the laws. Fighting for a women’s voting rights was a crime, but many still fought and “campaigned at the national and state levels of the government.” (bird Linda. 1). It was no question that these suffragettes wanted to finally be equal and have that right to have an opinion in different cases and laws. These women were not afraid of what was to come, the consequences were most likely in the back of their heads such as detainment by police, but no matter what the consequences were they decided to fight the government for their freedom of speech. Susan B. Anthony was a very idolized woman who was respected and loved by many. She would go across the country to talk about the social problems for women and how they could be resolved. She became one of the leaders in women suffrage campaigns. “It is not the outside things which make life, but the inner, the spirit of love, which casteth out all devils and bringeth in all angels” (Beeton Beverly, Edwards G. Thomas, 7). I looked up to this saying of Susan B. Anthony, it is so inspirational. It is basically saying that people can say they want to make a change, but show no actions of doing so. It is like life itself, we can all show happiness on the outside, but deep inside, many tend to be in a dark place. The women’s suffrage movement showed peoples true colors, the ones that did everything to make women equal and make history, were those who’s inner spirit showed love. Then there were those who just did not care and pushed back those who wanted to fight for their voices to be heard, those were the ones who showed their true colors and the devil in them showed no type of remorse nor love. I think that saying says so much
Whether that be in ballet, or an out loud group vote. A vote was one of the biggest situations in which women suffered to gain. When women tried to vote, they were challenged and made to seem like they knew nothing about the laws. Fighting for a women’s voting rights was a crime, but many still fought and “campaigned at the national and state levels of the government.” (bird Linda. 1). It was no question that these suffragettes wanted to finally be equal and have that right to have an opinion in different cases and laws. These women were not afraid of what was to come, the consequences were most likely in the back of their heads such as detainment by police, but no matter what the consequences were they decided to fight the government for their freedom of speech. Susan B. Anthony was a very idolized woman who was respected and loved by many. She would go across the country to talk about the social problems for women and how they could be resolved. She became one of the leaders in women suffrage campaigns. “It is not the outside things which make life, but the inner, the spirit of love, which casteth out all devils and bringeth in all angels” (Beeton Beverly, Edwards G. Thomas, 7). I looked up to this saying of Susan B. Anthony, it is so inspirational. It is basically saying that people can say they want to make a change, but show no actions of doing so. It is like life itself, we can all show happiness on the outside, but deep inside, many tend to be in a dark place. The women’s suffrage movement showed peoples true colors, the ones that did everything to make women equal and make history, were those who’s inner spirit showed love. Then there were those who just did not care and pushed back those who wanted to fight for their voices to be heard, those were the ones who showed their true colors and the devil in them showed no type of remorse nor love. I think that saying says so much