By: Mia Bagnara
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: All about the Author
Chapter 2: Major themes
Chapter 3: Character Relationships
Chapter 4: Symbolism
Chapter 5: Fan Fiction
Chapter 6: Author’s Purpose Conclusion
“Sometimes I think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams”
― R.J. Palacio, Wonder
In the book Wonder, a 10 year old boy who feels that he is a normal kid because he does normal kid things like play video games, do homework, etc. He does not have a normal life. For him, when he goes to a playground, kids run away screaming. Imagine you are that kid. This companion book will teach you about August. You will learn about the Author. You will also learn …show more content…
Palacio. When she got her inspiration to write this book, she was at an ice cream shop with her son. Sitting at the table next to them was a family with a daughter who had a craniofacial condition like August. All of a sudden, R.J.’s son started to cry when he saw her face. Like in the book, when a family sits down next to August and Via, the baby from the family starts crying. R.J. could not stop thinking about how her kids could have reacted. Then she thought that she could teach her kids how to react to something like that the next time it happens. Then she started to think about how that family had probably gone through this scenario a bunch of times. Probably hundreds of times a day. That is what had inspired her write the book Wonder. She came to the conclusion that she wanted others to respond better. R.J Palacio wanted everyone to respond better to those that are probably going through a tough