Who was the 28th president of the United States? Woodrow Wilson was an early twentieth century president that had a large amount of power. Not only did he have great power in the United States, but he made decisions on his own beliefs and feelings. This set him aside from many other presidents. Thomas was legitimately concerned by the mistreatment of humans. Wilson took his role as president with a maximum respect to serve the public the best he could.
Thomas Woodrow Wilson, was born in Staunton, Virginia, at the end of December 1865 his family had a Scottish heritage. The exact date was never recorded, but his families log said "Twelve and three- quarters o 'clock" on December 29th. Woodrow Wilson grew up in a Presbyterian family, because his father was a Presbyterian minister. Thomas was the third child born in the family along with his two other siblings, Joseph Ruggles, Jr. and, Annie E. Wilson Howe. …show more content…
He began his political studies at Johns Hopkins University in 1883 after three years he achieved his baccalaureate degree. In 1885, he published a book on Congressional Government which says of the difficulties from the separation of the legislative and executive. Later from 1902-1910 Thomas became very involved in politics.
Thomas wanted to do more than be a political figure he wanted to change America, by running in the 1912 presidential election. He won the presidential election of 1912 when William Taft and Theodore Roosevelt got much lower than Thomas 's 435 electoral votes. Once taking presidency he began making the changes to businesses and the government that he wrote about in his book The New Freedom. It was about changing the current tariff, changing the banking system, and making sure no fraudulent advertisements were