
Words Are More Treacherous And Powerful Than We Think

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Title: "Words are more treacherous and powerful than we think" Evaluate the extent to which the characteristics Sartre claims for words affect - negatively or positively - different Areas of Knowledge.

The limits of knowledge that the topic implies are the limits of language and how well it approaches truth. There are a number of definitions of language. Everybody has there own term of what language stands for. For example, Chomsky says that language is a system of sounds put together to form phrases, which are then translated into a person's mind. Adler says that language is a system of sounds that are created to form a way of communication, which can be translated in the human mind. What I found is that language shows the proof of words through thoughts. feelings, and a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols. Images are also a way of understanding language, which connects to what Adler and Chomsky had said. Because the world's vocabulary is so limited to the meaning of a word, images are replaced in their
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In order to find their true meaning we have to look at how they are used and then come up with the true meaning. But what sometimes ends up happening is that the word can mean a so many things in many situations, which gets confusing. Rather they have many different meanings, which can only be found through text has to found through knowledge. Sometimes the meaning of words is so vague it is difficult to understand their meaning at all. Unless we are aware of the exact context in which it is being used, we would probably not agree on the subtle differences. Knowledge plays into affect by adding a whole new view to looking at a word. With knowledge, the interpretation of words can be figured out faster and more efficient. The way of interpreting the human language makes this method an efficient

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