Too often people elaborate fancy promises to initially and immediately satisfy the ones listening. Too often those grand promises crumble like an old building to the ground. Simply put, words are never enough. Actions are what speak the loudest, louder than any words spoken. All people should commit to something and complete it, whether it be a school project, work endeavor, change in behavior or altered attitude. Whatever the task is, a person should validate their actions by taking control and not utilizing words alone.
Furthermore, the pain felt when a promise becomes empty both deteriorates trust and ultimately destroys a treasured relationship. It is therefore vital to prevent destruction by remaining honest. Without honesty, there is no foundation for a healthy and meaningful bond between people. By using words as temporary assurance that something will get done, the person on the receiving end eventually gets deeply wounded.
Using words instead of the power of action is cowardly, irresponsible, and selfish. It's pure cowardice to make a false promise and not have the bravery to make things happen. It is also irresponsible to say one thing and do another- it's the exact definition of what irresponsibility is. Worst of all, it's coldheartedly selfish to throw empty words around and leave them to slowly disintegrate. The world will become a better place when people everywhere live by the saying,