Kamilah Alcantara
Many people do not see language as too much of a threat, but this image depicts otherwise. Just as this fist slams into the woman’s face, collides with cheekbone, comes into contact with the jawline, shatters teeth, mankind can also cause such grave damage with words. This results in the victim being morally, if not physically, hurt. Perhaps the man in this photo is unaware of it. Perhaps the woman did not see it coming. Either way, the pain that is inflicted and received is powerfully damaging.
Every day there are millions of people that are affected by the many calamities of the world that we live in today. Compared to such forms of suffrage, the fact that pain can be inflicted with simply the way in which we speak is doubtful, although it is most certainly true. Many use the way in which they speak to others as a form of discipline or punishment for noncompliance of their expectations of said person. Such words are often said with force or at least with an edge to the voice because physical pain will always fade away, although pain that is inflicted through the use of language will remain with you for perhaps even as long as you live. That is why it can be so painful. If someone is thrashed about with words, the pain may never fade away.
Verbal abuse is also a form of domestic violence. There are men who avoid physical abuse because that is what society has trained them to do. Instead they may conform themselves to verbal abuse, although it is just as bad. Bending the rules according to how you would like them to be does not mean that you are following them. It also does not make the abuse any less painful.
I suppose you could argue that often times words are just taken too seriously or that someone could hurt someone else with their words without meaning to. Then this would simply be a form of miscommunication. It is true that miscommunication is often seen in the world. Maybe that is why there