Balancing between part time job and study time is a big problem for many students, the more so in the period of severe economic downturn. It’s a fact of life that many students now take part time or temporary jobs during the academic term. Working while studying is a good idea to learn new things and develop your skills. It is not just about the academic skills, but also soft skills that will be valued a lot when you later work professionally or start a business. But as part time jobs also mean more responsibility, students often find difficulties in balancing between their study and work. For sure, there are more to consider, manage, and sacrifice. But part time jobs really help students to learn the steps ahead earlier. They can be good for your resume too. Here are some tips to help students find the middle point between study and part time work.
1. Plan your time well. There should be no conflict between study and work. Once you know your class schedule, you can make arrangement about the work shifts and study schedules. It is not easy to be discipline with time, but that is the important thing you learn when taking part time jobs. Whilst these jobs will help you to develop the skills and experience that graduate employers are looking for, it is important that you manage your time, to ensure that they don’t adversely affect your academic studies. Set the time, and try your best to finish all on schedule. Of course it does not need to be that strict. Some people do better with “spontaneous” scheduling, some can not. The point is to fulfill all your responsibilities. Make evaluation. When every college task is finished on time, when your grade does not go worse, and when you still get praises at the work place, then it means you are doing all right.
2. Be efficient and flexible. Part time jobs can take from 18 to over 30 hours per week. You lose that much for study and fun time. There is no way to keep the days run the same.