It might seem risky to pay very much for college education for some people, however the career potential of those experienced higher education is usually deemed higher than those without it. Taking a heavy debt to go for higher education may unreasonable to some people, but it is a choice of what kind of future career one is looking for. If one wants to climb on to the highest position in a company’s hierarchy, investment in higher education would benefit one in a long run. Moreover, higher education improves an individual's quality of life. Studies show that, compared to high school graduates, college graduates have longer life spans, better access to health care, better dietary and health practices, greater economic stability and security, more prestigious employment and greater job satisfaction, less dependency on government assistance, greater knowledge of government, greater community service and leadership, more volunteer work, more self-confidence, and less criminal activity and incarceration. Therefore, it is a personal choice of future, it is difficult to bear the expense, but for those who choose to fight the difficulties, distinguished future…
One of the first major steps to becoming a successful adult these days is receiving a college education. A college degree today is viewed as a necessity rather than just a place where students go to explore and expand the mind. Nonetheless it’s slowly becoming an unreachable goal for most people. It has become widely known that the cost of college has been rising the last few decades and continues to rise, and the rates will only continue to of increase. As the cost of college rises, families have to either change their way of life to be fortunate enough to send their children to college or take out extensive amount of loans. When the time comes to talk about college, a large number of questions arise. Even though there are many questions,…
Today, many students like myself all over the America have walked down the hectic aisles of high school and have sat in some of the largest lecture halls in college. As kids, we were somewhat taught that going to school and getting an education would be the key to our success and thought that if we didn’t fulfill these expectations, we would end up homeless and live a terrible life. For so many years during my educational career this was the mentality that I believed in. Although this may be over exaggerated, I believe that this may hold some truth to the many college students all over the world. It is almost like we volunteer to go into debt and deal with all the stress that a college education brings us because we feel like it will get us…
To a student in an era of globalization, economic recession, and strong job competition, it can appear as if a college degree is the ultimate solution to one’s problems. However, finding the right post-highschool path is often like shopping for clothes: One choice rarely fits all people. College can often cost more than the degree pursued is worth. College also isn’t the only way one can get a good job outside of high school. Furthermore, college is not for everyone. Not all students should go to college.…
Statistically speaking, the more education you acquire out of high school, the more money you will make. According to the US Census Bureau individuals over 18 with a Bachelor’s degree earn an average of $51,206 annually vs. $27,915 earned by their high school diploma-bearing counterparts. With these, and other similar statistics available, many people feel that a college degree is the cure- all for financial, security. However, in the recent economy it seems that these highly sought after college degrees aren’t holding up their end of the bargain. Although higher education can be valuable, it is not absolutely vital to becoming successful. Higher education may throw an impressive diploma on an office wall, but contrary to popular belief does not always warrant its professed benefits.…
Sawhill and Owen believe college is the right choice although it may not be for everyone. Cost of education and career choice is especially crucial to making a decision on attending college. The authors give sufficient facts and supportive evidence to get the readers thinking about their options and career choice. Making a point that college is the right choice for people who are willing to give more then they get sometimes. An example of that kind of person being someone in the education or services career. They also suggest financial aid is defiantly a tool for low-income families to implement to attend college. Everyone considering attending college should weigh all their options, not just attend because they have been told over and over college is the…
The idea of so much time and money spent on a degree that may not result in a job is disheartening. But in a changing world where everything is uncertain, researchers and experts agree that it is better to have a degree than not. It’s harder to be successful today than in the past without a college education, and when considering the trends and what it means for the future, it makes sense to invest in yourself through education. Every parent should encourage their child to go to college and work hard for a degree, even though it means sacrificing time and money. Even parents who did not complete their college education and had lucrative careers have the responsibility to encourage their children to receive an education. Although a degree is not a guarantee against unemployment, it does provide a safety net and improves the chances of finding and keeping a job, even in rough economic periods. Right now, going to college seems like a daunting task, but down the road, children will thank their parents for encouraging them and for making the necessary sacrifices to enable them to earn their…
In a society where a college education is necessary to attain a job, people will pay any price to get a degree. Since 1965 government assistance programs such as FAFSA have made attending college much more simple for the working class. However, such programs focus much of their efforts on assisting lower income students and fail to contribute to students from middle class families. Middle class students or their parents are caught in a situation in which they must pay for all of their college funds, or they are put into debt from the outrageous amount of loans. Financial aid is based off of the parent’s income until the age of 25, but there are situations in which not parents are able or willing to pay for their child’s education due to the high cost of tuition. Complications of financial aid arise due to the lack of focus in financial assistance for students who come from middle class families. Due to the complications of the financial aid system students from the middle class are forced to choose cheaper schools, go into debt, or enter the work force, yet prices of getting an education are only getting higher. For middle class families options to pay for school are very limited, without financial aid or the funds to pay, a life of debt and worry surely waits.…
As a single mother of four children, it is my responsibility to be a positive role model for them. One of my roles is instilling how vital a college education is towards their future, which was problematic since I lacked one myself. Therefore, because children learn through example, making the decision to acquire a college degree was a necessary choice. The challenge began when it was time to decide what field of study to target, what type of school to attend, and where I envisioned myself in the future.…
It is very important to attend college as it provides many advantages and opportunities. For some, continuing education past high school is a scary thought. More course work, adjusting and fitting into a new environment and finding out how to take care of the forever rising cost of tuition expenses can be very intimidating and stressful for young adolescents. Students may begin to ask themselves what’s the importance of a college education. However, in todays economy the importance of a college education cannot be measured. The benefits of college far outweigh the stress. By going to college one could achieve a higher education, better employment opportunities, increased wages, better health, personal growth and help diversify one’s way of…
College has helped many people make money and be successful, but is it really worth the cost? Post secondary school is a great way to excel in life and in the workplace, but not all people want or need to go to college. Accordingly, college is not worth the money because it can stress out post high school graduates, it can cause the students' family to go into debt and it doesn’t help those who are undecided about a career. These reasons may cause people doubt on whether college is worth the money or not.…
College is a very difficult decision in many people's lives around the world. The stories of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs show that sometimes college would not be the best idea for some people. Even my father, who dropped out of college, is very successful and supports his family wealthily, while not having to do as much work as most people. However, these successful people went through difficult times and failed much in life, before becoming who they are now. While many people believe college is not worth it, it really is, because college is a pathway for many people into a great career, while also allowing graduates the gain of knowledge from the experience.…
There is an enormous disparity between American households in their ability to afford and attend adult education. Suffice it to say that the plethora of barriers faced by families able to make a living through working a forty plus hour a week job would definitely hinder a family living on or just above the poverty level from getting a higher adult education degree. This paper examines and explores the possibility and difficulty of the single family female head of the household’s prospects of gaining an adult education in the United States . There will be a discussion on the barriers that family members see as preventing consideration of attending adult…
Is it necessary to get a college degree in today’s society? Millions of adults ask their self the same question day after day. Returning to college in today’s busy world creates many challenges for adult students, however the value of a brighter future makes it all worth the while.…
1. Plan your time well. There should be no conflict between study and work. Once you know your class schedule, you can make arrangement about the work shifts and study schedules. It is not easy to be discipline with time, but that is the important thing you learn when taking part time jobs. Whilst these jobs will help you to develop the skills and experience that graduate employers are looking for, it is important that you manage your time, to ensure that they don’t adversely affect your academic studies. Set the time, and try your best to finish all on schedule. Of course it does not need to be that strict. Some people do better with “spontaneous” scheduling, some can not. The point is to fulfill all your responsibilities. Make evaluation. When every college task is finished on time, when your grade does not go worse, and when you still get praises at the work place, then it means you are doing all right.…