Services and labor-intensive jobs are quickly being filled by technology and globalization. A college degree is the first step a student can take to set themselves apart as its surely needed. The days are gone where you can get a job fresh out of high school and work your way up the corporate latter. More and more companies are requiring college degrees. The average person with a college education makes nearly twice as much as those with only a high school diploma. A report produced in 2011 by the American Community Survey that was released by the U.S. Census Bureau stated “that those who held a bachelor's degree were expected to earn a 40-year lifetime salary of about $2.4 million on average, while high school graduates only took in a lifetime salary of about $1.4 million” (Kominski, 2011). College is an investment with high …show more content…
Getting a college education also plays a role in how long we live. According to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “people with higher levels of education and higher income have lower rates of many chronic diseases compared to those with less education and lower income levels (2012, May 16). Most people without a college education have poorer health and shorter lives. Even though Americans life span is on the rise according to an article on the international The Voice of Russia