To start off, there are many reasons why college is worth the cost. Even though, college has been infamous for being expensive and putting people in debt. However, even after being put in debt a majority of college graduates, 86% to be exact, says that college has been a good investment for them personally( Text 1, Cost and Value). Now what is that investment you wonder? Well the investment could be a plethora of things. It could be the monetary …show more content…
People who state cases like Gates, and Zuckerberg, don’t understand how seldom it is to see true passion, insight, and fascinating timing with people as such (Text 3 line 13-14). Those who aren't college graduates, that skip the college part, lean towards only career preparation, while the personality aspect is just as important. When people go straight into working, just like there is a great chance for a graduate to find their suitable career, the opposite is true for a person who does not want to go to college. College is a great investment when it comes to increasing your intelligence, your personality, or your pay check later in life. You have a chance at getting your dream job if you chose to go to college because “if you find a job you like, you’ll never work a day in your life”. Self made millionaires are hard to come by, so don’t be waiting on a stone to turn, if you have no idea to turn