Having a college degree can be a huge blessing to people. A lot of people who go through so much just to make it through college because of challenges that come. It is always good to pray your whole way through college because God can help us and we will come out on top. You
can make more money with a degree than just having a high school diploma. For example, many people who work at the same company doing the same type of work, get paid differently because having a college degree makes you earn more money.
Many people who go to college, go for a major they know they will enjoy. That major will most likely relate to their personality also. Some people who do not have a college degree have to settle for a job they dislike but, have to stay there because they do not have a education. That increases the chance of people quitting jobs and going from job to job. It is always good to have a career.
Some people have many reasons why they can not go to college. One reason they have is financial problems. College have many programs and other opportunities you can go to college with. You can apply for grants, scholarships or loans. If you really can not afford college but you really want to go, you are going to work as hard as you can to get into college.
Education can change your life and you will have to work hard. Many who do not have a college degree still live a comfortable life. For those who want a college degree, you can achieve anything you want, no matter what condition you are in. College will also challenge you, but getting through it really matters.