Free college eduction gives people the ability to make positive life choices. Educated people make wise decisions then the person who doesn't have that college education. College education can help a person out into having a better lifestyle and give them the opportunity to have a higher level of education than …show more content…
Society tends to look for the people who graduate with a 2 or 4 year degree in college. With a college degree it helps to be in control of yourself and makes you feel well prepared for life and seeking jobs. Educated people tend to make fewer mistakes then people who don't have that college experience. College helps students make more money than the average person who only has a high school diploma. Not having a college education wont really get you anywhere in life. People struggle when looking for jobs because they tend to look for people who have that college education. If colleges were free many people would have better livings and more knowledge to give to our world. For the people who can't afford college won't be able to live how they really want to live and will stay in poverty.
There are so many people who want to have a chance in having a college education. These people may have the brains for it that could benefit us and many more but simply can't afford it. College should be free so we have many more educated people who make wise decisions and so there won't be less trouble in our