“Work is Worship” is a very old proverb which means there is no better way to worship God except to be working hard and this is fully justified by what man has achieved during the course of his development which is the result of hard work over long periods of time. He owes all his greatness to hard work. Hence, it is the root of all success. There is no alternative to hard work. Today, man has conquered nature, he has set foot on the moon, he has travelled in the space, he has invented so many lifesaving drugs—all became possible because he never ceased to work.
The general view is that work is done in the offices, the factory or the fields and worship is done in a temple or a church or a mosque or a gurudwara. The perception is that we work to earn money and we worship to get the blessings of God. However, the proverb ‘Work is Worship’ combines the idea of work and worship. There is an old saying, ‘God helps those who help themselves’. God also gets impressed by and helps only those who are hardworking, sincere and honest. God does not love being worshipped by a person every second. He wants that a person works hard. So, it is not praiseworthy if we worship God all the time and do not work at all. It will be like sitting idle in an examination hall and praying to God to help in passing the exam.
Work and work alone, has the ability to transform a dull mind into a bright mind and a bright mind into a brilliant one. Work is actually a facet of an individual’s personality. This specific facet opens for the person myriad of opportunities. It has an incredible capacity to roll out red carpet for a man regardless of the avenue he chooses to tread.